Monday, July 13, 2020

A Place to Call Home // Part 3

A Place to Call Home // Part 3

"Of course my offer still stands!" Andi smiled at the children, "While the chili is heated, why don't you snack on some corn bread."

She led them to the table and they sat down without a word. The middle child licked his lips when Andi brought over the corn bread with honey.

"Sure looks good, ma'am!"

His excitement made Riley chuckle from across the room, still guarding the door.

"What's your name, young man?" Riley asked.

The little boy scrunched his nose before replying, "They call me Bobby. This is my little sister, Nora, she's five but she doesn't talk. And then there's Joe, my older si--sibling," he stuttered.

Joe cleared his through from across the table, a signal to stop talking which Bobby ignored.

"Look mister," Bobby spoke to Riley, "we didn't want to tie you up, we just didn't have enough time to hide before you saw us. We weren't gonna cause no trouble, just sleep in the hay for the night. We didn't want you to take us back to--"

"Shut your mouth, Bobby!" Joe snapped in a low voice.

"Where's your family, Bobby?" Riley asked, then immediately regretted his question at the pain it caused across the boy's face.

Andi sat Izzy in her high chair, then brought the warm chili from the stove to the table. All was quiet as Andi and Riley watched the kids slurp up their food. These children have to be orphans. Do they have any relatives? How did they get to Memory Creek Ranch? Andi pondered the unanswered questions. She wasn't sure what to do with these needy kids that God brought to her for care.

Once spoons scraped the empty bowls, Andi broke the silence.

"Well, then. You three will stay with us for the night. We don't have a guest bedroom, but I'll get some blankets and make some pallets on the floor for you all to sleep on. Trust me, it will be better than sleeping in the barn."

Joe quickly jumped to attention, almost knocking over his chair as he stood, "Oh, no need, ma'am. We will be on our way now. Thanks for the chili." He grabbed Nora's hand and pulled her to her feet. Bobby also stood and followed Joe.

"Now wait a minute, here." Riley stood in their way of the door, "No body is going anywhere tonight. We can help--"

Riley was interrupted by Joe who leapt from where he had been standing and body-slammed him, catching Riley by surprise.

"Run!" Joe screamed to his little brother and sister. They scrambled for the door, but Andi was quicker. She grabbed both of the kids by their arms, holding them back. Riley--stronger than the ten year old-- held the thrashing Joe at arms length. Blocking a punch, Riley was not expecting a kick to the same knee that Bobby had busted earlier.

He fought the pain by gritting his teeth, "Joe, calm down!"

Joe took that moment to wiggle free from Riley's grip. In a attempt to stop Joe, Riley knocked of his hat and bright red hair tumbled out around Joe's shoulders. He was a she!

Who called that plot twist? *raises hand* Are you excited to read more of these kids' story? Stay tuned for part 4! Comment below! 

Many Blessings,
Brooklyne Elysse


  1. More plot twists?! Wow! Excited for part 4! ;D

    1. Yay! I’m glad! That was one of my favorite plot twists. *winks* (also, I fixed some additional typos I found when I read through it a second time...)

  2. What?! A girl?! *laughs* I wasn't expecting that! *still laughing at myself* I can't wait to read more. Keep the them coming!!!

    1. Haha, I thought I might catch some people off guard with that one! =)

  3. This has been fun! Keep up the good work!

  4. Plot twist? *raises hand* Definitely! Good thing I wasn't eating supper as I read this or I might have choked! XD Can't wait to read more!

    Hope your writing is coming along this month. :)

    1. Lol, I love a good plot twist! XD

      It’s going good! The first week was really productive. I’m making some great progress and just hit 60k in my overall book! Whoop whoop! <3

    2. So glad to hear that! My writing it going rather slow as I had totally forgotten about a big event I'm supposed to participate in. :P But God knows best, so I'm content.

    3. Thanks! I know how that feels. But keep writing, you got this! <3 Every sentence matters...
