Wednesday, July 8, 2020

A Place to Call Home // Part 2

A Place to Call Home // Part 2

Taking one last look at Izzy's closed bedroom door, Andi hoped she was making the right decision as she slipped on her boots and grabbed a lantern. She hurried outside, following the frantic dog.

Andi could only see within the glow of the lantern's halo as Tucker led her to the barn. The night was still, only a few crickets broke the silence. One hand gripping the lantern, she tried opening the barn door. It was stuck.

"Riley? Are you in there? What's wrong?"

Pressing her ear against the rough wood, Andi heard a faint squeaky voice, "What should we do now?"

"Who is that?" She demanded.

No reply.

Confused, Andi shoved on the door harder. It only budged slightly. Determination fueled her as she counted to three. With all her might, Andi threw her shoulder into the stubborn door. She heard what might have been a stick breaking, then she tumbled through the opened door and onto the straw covered ground inside.

"What in the world! Riley, what happened?" Andi staggered to her feet, horrified and shocked at the sight of her husband gagged and tired to the hayloft ladder. She didn't even notice the three young children, until a boy waved at her, his expression imitating the face of one who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. A mixture of guilt, alarm, and urgency to run. Like a foul spooked by Izzy's loud banging on toys.

"We don't mean him no harm, ma'am. Only wanted to get away." The boy who spoke was probably seven or eight years old.

Not even trying to figure out what the little boy meant, Andi rushed up to Riley and untied the sloppily knotted ropes. Once he was free, Riley doubled over and gripped his right knee.

"Better watch out for that one, Andi, he has a mean kick--"

Andi cut him off, speaking so fast her words were barely audible, "Who are these kids and where did they come from and Riley, how in the world did they tie you up?

"Good questions, but right now, it doesn't matter as much as where are they now?" Riley pointed to the opened barn door, his eyes scanning the now-empty barn.

The three children were gone.

Riley groaned in frustration, "We have to find them. Those little rascals caught me off guard while I was doing the chores. They kicked me in the knee and had me tied up faster than I could blink." he looked at Andi's slightly amused face. 

She couldn't help the smile that formed on her lips. He continued his tale, "It's not that funny... they were quicker and stronger than they looked. Anyway, they gagged me before I could holler. I don't know why, but they were scared of something. Do you think they were scared of me?"

"Goodness, where do you think they came from? There’s not another homestead within miles from here, and I have never seen them before. We have to find them. It's not safe for children to be out roaming at night, there are too many cougars. Lets go get another lantern an check on Izzy before we start our search. they couldn't have gotten far."

Andi supported Riley as he hobbled back to their cabin. His knee was already swollen. As they came up the front steps to the cabin, they heard banging and clanging. Then Izzy's cries came to Andi's ears and her heart jolted her legs into motion. She barged into the cabin. 

What a mess!

Broken glass, open cupboards, and three small children stuffing food into a flour sack. They looked up, caught for a second time.

"Riley, close the door." She whispered with more than a touch of urgency in her voice. Andi knew they were going to try and bolt again.

"It's ok. We aren't going to hurt you." Andi spoke in the same tone she normally would use with a skittish foul, "My name is Andrea Prescott, what are your names? If you're hungry, I can make you some food. How does chili and corn bread sound? I have some leftovers I can warm up for you." Andi kept talking, but her feet were moving in the direction of Izzy. The poor child had a very rude awakening and she was none too happy about it. She quickly retrieved the blubbering baby and bounced her on her hip to sooth her tears away.

When she returned, all three children looked at her like she was crazy.

The oldest boy looked to be about ten years old. With distrust written on his face, he glared at her.

"We aint want any of yer leftovers." He said, deepening his glare. It was a lie, and they all knew it.

Andi continued her bouncing, "So, you are willing to steal our food, but you don't want to eat it when I offer it to you?"

Getting ready to argue, the boy opened his mouth but then clamped it closed when he saw the look on his little sisters face. Andi looked at the girl also, and for the first time, she saw the tattered dress and matted red hair. She has to be no more than five years old. She looks so tired, and skinny as a rail. Andi wondered when had been the last time these children had eaten a full meal.

The youngest of the two boys' large shirt hung over his pants like a dress, his bright red hair made his eyes look greener and his freckles pop.

"Joe, I think we should eat the lady's food." He whispered to the oldest who had a missing strap on his overalls and the same red hair tucked under a floppy hat.

"Fine. We'll stay and eat your food. If your offer still stands."

Poor Riley! Were you expecting that plot twist? Lol, how did you like part two? Are you excited for part three? Comment below!

Many Blessings, 
Brooklyne Elysse


  1. I was so totally not expecting that plot twist! :D this story is awesome, can't wait to hear more! :)

    1. Haha, it was a bit of a surprise! *winks* I’m glad you are liking it so far! <3

  2. Oh wow! I was not expecting that! Great job Brooklyne:)

    1. Thanks, Leah!! I can’t wait for you to read more!

  3. Oooooh, how exciting! I can't wait for the next part!!!

    1. Yay! I’m so glad you’re excited for part three! xx

  4. Woah! What a plot twist! Poor Riley! I was so not expecting that! XD And yes, I'm excited for part three! *grin*

    1. Haha, yes it was! I like writing plot twists! *winks*
