Wednesday, August 28, 2019

100th Post // A Surprise!

***Warning-- Post filled with lots of excitement which may include the following: crazy asterisks, overuse of exclamation marks, all-caps, and confetti***

As you read in the title for todays post, THIS IS MY 100TH POST ON SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS!!! *bucketfuls of confetti and balloons and chocolate cake* Party time! So instead of a Wrap-Up post this month, there's going to be something way better!

Guys, I seriously can't believe that I have posted (and y'all have read) ONE HUNDRED posts! 100!

Wow! <-- Thats really all there is to say!

So in celebration of this huge accomplishment and milestone, I have a surprise! (Be prepared to scroll because you know how this works!) Anyway, it's a surprise that I have wanted to do for a while, and also a surprise that is going to be a blast! For all of us!

The question is: Is it going to be a giveaway? Maybe, maybe not! Is it going to be a vlog? Maybe, probably not! Is it going to be something that anyone can participate in? Maybe, maybe so!

Ok, I will stop beating around the bush and holding ya'll in suspense... go find out for yourself what the surprise is!

Let the scrolling begin!
Almost there! 
Just kidding. XD 
Are you ready to find out??

I am hosting a contest!!! *More confetti and sparkles and sprinkles too* XD

Yes, you read that right! I have decided to host a flash fiction writing contest!!! This contest is going to be super fun because there will be two prizes for two winners!

So how's this going to work? Let me tell you.


Since all good contests have rules, Showers of Blessings 100th Post Flash Fiction Contest will not be the exception. Follow the rules carefully, because I want this contest to be as organized as possible.

-All flash fiction entries can be whatever genre and writing style you prefer.
-All flash fiction entries must be a original work that has not won any other contest before.
-All flash fiction entries must have a word count between 350 and 500 words. Stories shorter or longer than 350 and 500 words will not qualify.
-All flash fiction entries may not have any curse words or taking the Lords name in vain. If the story has bad language, it will not qualify.
-Deadline to enter is Wednesday September 4th, 2019 at midnight. Entries sent in after the deadline, will not qualify.
-Contest results on Monday September 9th, 2019
-All participants who are under the age of 18 must have a parents permission because if you win, I will be needing your address...
-You can only enter one flash fiction piece per participant.
-Email your entry to:
-In your email, you must tell me what age group you are in, how many words your story has, and where the story idea came from.
-USA residents only. (So sorry to all my international friends!)


There will be two age categories. Since I know some of my blog readers are younger and I want y'all to have a chance to participate, there will be two age groups and two prizes, one for each!

-Age group number one: 10-17 years old
-Age group number two: 18 and up


To make this as fair as possible, I won't be doing the judging of this contest. I have picked three lovely judges that have gladly volunteered!

Judge number one: My mom

My mom is a homeschool teacher and has a keen eye for little details. She will be grading your flash fiction pieces on grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc!

Judge number two: My older sister

My big sis loves reading, and will be grading your flash fiction pieces on plot, short story structure, characters, and overall story flair.

Judge number three: My little sister

My younger sis makes a great judge because she will be grading your flash fiction pieces on how it flows, how the story comes across, and if it holds her attention.

A hint about the judges:
I thought I'd tell you a little about the judges so you can choose or write your flash fiction accordingly. Some of the things that the judges would love to see in your story might include animals, friendships, strong family values, excitement, suspense, etc. Some of the things that the judges would probably not get into as much would be fantasy themes, dragons, darker scenarios, and violence.
(So that's just a tip about the judges preference in their reading material...)


Since there will be two age groups, there will be two prizes as well!

For the younger age group (Age group number one) the prize will be one (1) bar of goats milk soap, three (3) handmade scrunchies, and one (1) mystery item. Trust me, your gonna like it!

For the older age group (Age group number two) the prize will be one (1) bar of goats milk soap, three (3) handmade scrunchies, and one (1) mystery item. Trust me, your gonna like it!

Note: The winners get to pick out their soap scent! You can choose either Lavender Oatmeal, Warm Cinnamon Spice, or Jasmine Dreams!


Isn't this so exciting? *jumps up and down* *throws more confetti*

Also, I wanted to say a huge thank you to all my blog readers and followers! Y'all are the best! Thanks for reading what I write, and thanks for making blogging so much fun! I still can't believe I've posted 100 posts!

I am so blessed to have this platform to make friends and share my writing! <3 <3 <3

Off the top of your head, what has been your favorite post of mine-- out of the 100? Are you SO excited about the contest? Are you going to enter? Do you like writing Flash Fiction? Was this a fun surprise?? Taco 'bout it in the comments! 


  1. Congratulations!!!!! *jumps up and down in excitement* πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
    This contest sounds like a lot of fun!!! I might just enter...;)

  2. Congratulations!!! *squeals* I'm so excited for you!!! *throws confetti* You did it girl! *grins*
    Also, this contest looks\sounds really fun, but I'll have to see if I enter. I feel like I'm not very good a writing and things. *cheesy grin* But I might. *laughs*

    1. Thanks, Liberty!! <3 *adds to your confetti pile*
      I'm glad you think it sounds fun! I'd love to read a entry by you!

    2. Well, I might... *winks* I'll have to think about it. ;P

  3. Sounds like fun, but I don't think I can enter. Hooray for 100 posts!☺

  4. Yippee! Congratulations, Brooklyne!!! <3 <3

  5. Yay!! Congrats!!! <3 I'm gonna try really hard to enter the contest...if blog tour stuff doesn't get in the way... ;P

    1. Thank you!! Ok, I'd love to read your flash fiction, but no worries if you don't have time... I totally understand! XP

  6. AHHHHHHH I LOVE THIS!!!! Also, 100 posts. Wow.

    I feel like you just started blogging last month, lol

    1. I still can't believe it!!! XD

      I know, it seems like I hit my first publish button just yesterday! <3

  7. Ah awesome!! 100 posts!!
    The contest sounds fun! I hope to enter! :)

    1. It's crazy how time goes by so quickly!
      Yay! Thank you!! ;)

  8. Your blog is interesting a lively with a lot of character. And well written poetry.

  9. Congratulations, Brooklyne! This is so exciting! I'd love to do it, but we'll see if school and life allow. ;)

    1. Thank you, Molly! And I totally understand if your too busy, maybe next time! <3

  10. OKAY SO I was mid click on another post notification when from the corner of my eye I caught sight of YOUR notification. And I came straight over!
    And I was not disappointed! I LOVE writing contests!!!!!!! (Congrats by the way!)

    Now...a little question here....Since I have absolutely no clue what to do mine on (since most of mine are dark/fantasy stuff they'll probably not like), would you be up for picking out a prompt from like, Pinterest, for me? If that's totally against how your contest works that's totally fine! I just thought it wouldn't hurt to ask?

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you liked the surprise! :)

      Oh sure! Since I'm not doing the judging, I think it would be ok if I picked a prompt from Pinterest. Here's three so you can choose one you like best: "What does sunshine taste like?" or "The last thing he wanted was sympathy." or "Despite the blindfold, she knew exactly where she was."
      Hope those prompts were good ones! ;) I'd love to read your entry!

  11. So fun!! I'm sad I can't join in (but totally get it, international shipping is a wallet-monster!) but can't wait to see the winning entries. :D Congrats on 100 posts!!!

    1. Ahh, I know! Maybe I'll do another contest sometime that the prize would be less expensive... <3
      Thank you!

  12. BEN BEN BEN BEN BEN!!! *Dashes in after 81982398 years of absence*

    Oh my goodness, Ben! I can't believe it's actually your 100th!! A bajillion congrats to you, dear friend!!! <3 And also...a CONTEST??? YEEEEE, how exciting!!! I'm hoping I make the deadline, but I'm unsure as of the moment. 😬

    *THROWS CONFETTI* Again, a bajillion congrats!!! You're an amazing asset to this community...and I can't really tell you which post is my favorite. They're all so GREAT!!

    And yes, I love flash fiction...and yes, it WAS a good surprise!!! <3 <3 <3

    ~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

    1. HEY BOOTS!! (I always love reading your comments!!)

      Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the surprise!!! <33

  13. Congratulations on 100 posts!! :D
    That's so fun that you're hosting a contest! I would like to enter, but we'll see! ;)

  14. Yayyyy!! Congratulations on 100 posts!!! That's so exciting!! :D

    And the contest was a great surprise! Hopefully I'll be able to write up something in time to enter!

  15. Congratulations on the 100th post!

    I would enter the contest but have soooooooo much blogging I can't, sadly. I hope it goes well!
