Monday, August 26, 2019

#writersunite Tag + WIP Collab with Rebekah Ashleigh!

Hey everyone! Today's post is the #writersunite Tag again! Just this time, I'm doing it with my sweet friend, Rebekah Ashleigh!

Last time (go HERE to read) I talked about my Historical Fiction WIP, Dakota's Dream. But today, I will be talking about another one of my WIPs-- Third Chances! Third Chances is coming along slow and steady. It's the first book in what I hope to make into a trilogy someday! I will be sharing about it in this post!

And Rebekah will be sharing from her new WIP: A Season of Change! Also, make sure to check out Rebekah's blog for the other half of this tag! We both answer 10 questions on each blog...

So lets get started, shall we!?


1. What inspired the idea for writing this story? 

Brooklyne- I needed to write some new projects and started a short story. The words just kept flowing until it became a trilogy idea. The first scene was actually a really deep meaning one to me because the MC was struggling with God and having a hard time trusting, something I really could relate to at the time.

Rebekah- Well, I had an idea for a different story that I really wanted to write, but it just wouldn’t come to me. So I decided to try something simpler but I didn’t know what. I thought about a few different ideas, but one day this one just came to me and it stuck.

2. What message would you like your readers to gain from reading your WIP? 

Brooklyne- God is a God of mercy and forgiveness. And whatever your story is, He has a perfect plan for you and can give you third chances.

Rebekah- That God has a plan for your life and no matter what your circumstances are, He’s in control. Live life to the fullest and look for the rainbows in life!

3. What is the hardest part about the writing process for you? 

Brooklyne- Staying excited. Sometimes, when inspiration is hard to come by, I get discouraged and feel like the plot and writing style is not good enough. But then there are the times when I love the characters, and everything fits into place.

Rebekah- Putting down on paper the words that are in my head and heart.

4. What is the best part about the writing process for you?

Brooklyne- When I come across a sentence or two that is really good, like a little nugget of brilliance. XD

Rebekah- Coming up with ideas and making the characters come alive.

5. What is your MC (main character) most passionate about? 

Brooklyne- My MC is most passionate about carving a life that is different than her childhood. My secondary MC is most passionate about Ranch life and the people he cares about.

Rebekah- Laura is pretty passionate about trying to take the worst circumstances in life and find the good in them. She’s always trying to help encourage others too.

6. What character do you (the writer) have the least in common with? 

Brooklyne- This is a hard one because it seems like I have a little bit in common with all my characters, and some things I don't. Sorry, that was a very vague answer! One of the things I don't have in common with Aimee (My MC) is that her favorite color is hot pink... And I'm not a big fan of the color hot pink.

Rebekah- I guess I have the least in common with Eli, Laura’s dad.

7. What five words would you use to describe your book? 

Brooklyne- Forgiveness. Love. Faith. Family. Opposites.

Rebekah- Change, sadness, joy, hope, growth

8. What is the goal word count that you have set for your story?

Brooklyne- I hope to reach somewhere between 60k to 80k words... (I currently have 30k written, so I still have a ways to go!)

Rebekah- I’d like it to be about 46,000 words.

9. What is your wildest dream for your writing journey? 

Brooklyne- To become a published author!

Rebekah- To publish my book and go to a homeschool convention to sell my books. I also have other books I want to publish.

10. What do you love about writing Christian Contemporary Fiction? 

Brooklyne-- I love writing Christian Contemporary Fiction because you can relate to it. Unlike Historical Fiction, you're writing about things you're more familiar with.

Rebekah- Not having to do research. ;) I enjoy reading historical fiction but I would prefer not to write it. I think it’s easier to write something that takes place in the present time.


Now for some aesthetic graphics hopefully portraying a little bit of our WIPs!
I made these using Canva... 

"If You, LORD, should mark iniquities, O LORD, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You, That You may be feared." Psalm 130:3,4 NKJV

"And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:32 NKJV

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:34 NKJV 

Rebekah's aesthetics: 

"To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:" Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV

"Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content." Philippians 4:11 NKJV

"For we walk by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV

I decided not to tag anyone this go-round, but if you think this tag looks fun, check out the rules at Lilly Cat blog where she explained everything! Click HERE for the link!

And make sure to check out Rebekahs blog for more of our tag!!!

What writing project are you working on right now? What is your favorite Christian  Contemporary Fiction book? Did you like hearing about our WIPs? 
Comment below and tell me all about it!


  1. This has been so much fun, Brooklyne!! I'm so glad we did this together. I always love hearing more about your books! :)
    Thanks again for making the lovely graphics. <3

    1. Yes it has! I loved learning more about your WIP!! I'm glad we can encourage each other in our writing journeys! <33
      Aw, your welcome! They were fun to make! xx

  2. Both books sound really interesting! Love the graphics<3

  3. I love the title Third Chances!! It's already implying so much, like...someone already got a second chance and apparently messed THAT up, too. :)

    And those aesthetics!!

    1. Thanksss! I really like this title too! Hehe, i'm always glad for second and third chances! :)

      XD XD XD

  4. Oh, I also did a couple of blog posts, if you missed them! *winks*

  5. Fun tag! I enjoyed reading your answers and learning more about you gals' stories. They sound good! :) I also really like the collages! <3

    I currently have... TOO MANY story ideas. xD But, the main one I'm working on right now is based off of "The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe" nursery rhyme. It basically delves into the story behind the "Old Woman", why she lived in a "shoe" and had so many children, etc. Anywho... it maybe sounds kinda cheesy (and maybe it is :P), but it's become a rather dear story to me actually. :)

    I hope y'all's writing continues to go well! And hopefully I'll get to read your published books someday! :D

    1. Thank you so much, Faith!!!

      Hehe, same! I have too many WIPs! *headdesk* But your story idea sounds really cute and unique! I love it when the stories we write become dear to us! It just makes writing them more special! <3

      Aw, thanks!!
