Monday, January 27, 2020

Nineteen things I learned in 2019

Already a month into the new year, I am still pondering the things I learned in 2019. Twenty nineteen was a year full of amazing highs and challenging lows. But throughout last year, I have grown and learned so much.

I thought I'd do a post about 19 things I have learned in 2019. Well, it turned out to be a rather long post, so get comfy!  

1. I've learned: Comfort zones are meant to be surpassed. 

I have always been afraid of leaving my comfort zone. Fear has a way of paralyzing me and holding me into place, never letting me grow into the person God made me to be. Fear has put a comfort zone in my way and I have a choice each and every day as to what I do about it. I can either stay safe where I am, or chance something that could be potentially amazing. This year, I have learned to take a few chances. I have learned to be more spontaneous and adventurous. To embrace new things and learn from the past. I have overcome a lot of doubt, and I still am working through my fear, but I know one thing's for sure... my Jesus continues to go with me wherever life takes me outside of my comfort zone. It's outside of my comfort zone that I see my need to rely on Him. In 2019, I learned that comfort zones only confine us, and they are meant to be surpassed. Those boxes we put ourselves in as excuses are meant to be barged down. 

2. I've learned: Life is darn hard sometimes. But it doesn't have to be all the time.

Yep, I'm being very blunt when I say that life isn't always smiling faces, epic adventures, fun times, happy friends. Life can be downright cruel--to all of us. It can punch us while we are down. And no one is excluded from the hard times, the rough days, the difficult nights. Everyone goes through seasons of hurt and change. It's OK to feel, but it's not ok to stay down for long. It's not ok to let your bad days and the pain you feel right now rule your life. It's OK to cry, but it's OK to heal. It's OK to be angry, but it's not ok to distance yourself from those who love you and the God who loves you even more than you could ever imagine. Bad things happen, sin exists, loved ones pass away, etc but we've gotta start looking up. God is still working on our hearts. We have to let Him in or the pain we feel will never have a chance to be overcome. When we feel like life is getting to much for us to carry, lets remember that this feeling won't last forever, because with God's help... we will overcome it.

3. I've learned: Dreams take shape in His own time.

I have a few dreams that I feel like God has either forgotten about, or that they're on the back burner for some odd reason of His. But ya know what, I'm learning that it's ok to let God's timing be perfect. Why would I try to rush something that He already made Perfect just for me?

4. I've learned: It's worth it to make good choices.

For anything really. We each have choices to make, and it's worth it to make the right one. I struggle with exercising and eating healthy. Oh, I can pull it off for a couple months, but what gets me is the constant decision making that keeps those healthy habits consistent. Consistency is key with lots of things, and healthy eating/exercising is no exception. I go in and out, and I'm learning that it really is worth it to make good choices, even if it's hard. 

5. I've learned: The comparison game is inevitable, but it's what you do about it in your heart that matters.

Yup, you know it. We all struggle with the "grass is greener" comparison game. It's human nature. We are going to go through seasons of feeling like so and so has it all together, or they are better at this or that, or what's her name is just plain prettier than I am. You name it, the comparison game is not all fun and games. Everyone knows the pang of feeling less than your own expectations, I've felt it many times. But it's what we do about it in our heart that truly matters. We must change our heart and learn to love ourselves where we are at. We need to look at our mindset, our thoughts. Why can't we show ourselves some grace, like we would for any of our loved ones? 

6. I've learned: I overthink things... A LOT.

It's apart of my personality to overthink and analyze something until it turns into a pulp. I have learned this about myself in the last year. But I've also learned to try and take a step back from from it all and to just breath. Because sometimes there is a simple explanation for something, or things don't have to be as complicated as I seem to want to make them. 

7. I've learned: The expectations I thought were from the world were really my own expectations. 

I thought the world had a view of how things were supposed to be (which it kinda does) but in my situation, it was me who had decided to put so much pressure on myself. God has a plan and that plan might differ from what I have expectations for. We have to learn to let God's plan override our own earthly plans.

8. I've learned: To put my phone down more. 

Why why WHY is it so hard for this generation-- for me-- to put my silly phone down? Why am I so obsessed this little rectangle sporting a screen? What I'm learnING: to live in the present and not to live on my phone. It's a struggle, that's for sure, but I would hate to miss out on those special moments in life (the ones I so-often take for granted) when my attention is spent on my phone.

9. I've learned: That having friends is nice, but it's family that is always in my corner.

This year, I've really pondered friends and friendships. I don't have many "friends" but I have a handful of friends that I can really count on, as well as some awesome blogger friends. (Just a shoutout to all my blogger friends, thank you! You probably will never know how much having online friends has helped me...) At first, I tried to tell myself that it was weird that some of you actually wanted to be friends with me. I'm really not that cool. And if you think I'm cool then I'm probably just trying too hard to be. Well, I soon realized somthing. It's ok for me to have friends, friends that I can count on to pray for me or to have inside jokes with. Friends that share commonalities with me. I love having friends, but I went through a season where I became jealous of others having so many friend clicks compared to me (see number 5, lol).  I realized something else... my true and loyal friends are my actual family members. Because they have seen me at my worst and still think I'm pretty awesome. Family is my everything. By getting caught up in wishing for friends, I took for granted that I already have family who make the best of friends. So I'm learning to really cherish my friends as well as family. 

10. I've learned: Joy is harder to find than happiness.

Sometimes joy is within our grasps, but it's just too hard to truly capture it. Happiness is easy when things are going good, in fact, when things are going good, even joy is easy to find. But it's when things aren't so fine, that Joy can be felt. I'm still searching for true Joy in the good times and the bad, but I know that it is possible to find.

11. I've learned: Even change is ever-changing.

Everything changes. E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. All the more crucial to live in the moment. 

12. I've learned: Music is one of my favorite things.

I've always known I like music, but this year, it's played more of a larger roll. Music encourages, it uplifts, it sets the mood, it helps you get through cleaning your bedroom *winks* etc! I've come to find my own taste in music, and I've also stepped out of my comfort zone by actually letting people hear my voice when I sing. 'Cause life is too short to not sing your heart out every once in a while. 

13. I've learned: That opportunities arise and we get the choice to take them or leave them.

I have had so many new opportunities pop up, and it's kinda exciting to take them. A lot have worked out and been great, others haven't turned out so well. Some doors open, others close. But each opportunity gives us a chance to grow. And sometime the growth overrides the disappointment when they don't pan out...

14. I've learned: Let yourself be yourself. 

Yes. I just quoted a hallmark moving that I'm watching (I'm a good multitasker). But it's true. If you don't know who you are, then you're not going to get very far. Because you can't be the person you think others want you to be for very long... you can't pretend to be someone you are not. I've learned that it's ok to find who you are and it's ok even if you are different than mainstream. 

15. I've learned: My style. 

A couple years ago, I went shopping with my mom on a quest to find "my style"... but I couldn't seem to figure it out. This year, I believe I've found it! This might not be a big deal to anyone, but for me, it's pretty neat because usually I'm so indecisive about things that I like. Now I know what colors I'm drawn too, styles in jewelry that I like, hair styles, etc! I strongly believe that everyone has their own special style and flair that they bring, it's neat to actually find mine.

16. I've learned: That not everything picture worthy deserves to be captured. 

Taking pictures is my thing. I love capturing small moments. Looking back on memories through pictures. Snapping that perfect shot brings me such joy. Yet, I'm learning that not everything photogenic or picture worthy needs to be captured. Some things are just too special to take pictures of. It's hard for me to not want to take pictures of literally everything, but I've had to remind myself to take a step back and enjoy things with my own eyes, and not just through a lenses or a phone screen. Take the stars for example, the new phones they're coming out with these days (I sound like a granny, lol) can actually take pictures of the stars. I think it's silly because stars deserve to be seen by eyes only... they are just too special. Maybe this is just me, but it's what I've been learning to appreciate more.

17. I've learned: Expectations can ruin everything. 

Lets face it, it's almost impossible to go into a unforeseen situation without having at least a couple expectations of how we want things to go. So that's why I've found that it's important to remind myself when I go into a situation, to have less expectations. This way, there is less of a chance that I will get disappointed. And by going into a situation with less expectations, we are able to be more flexible with our plans!

18. I've learned: To be more open to God's plans.

My plans are some of the time different than what God has beautifully mapped out for us. Through 2019, I've been learning to keep my mind open to God's change of plans. 

19. I've learned: I'm never alone. 

Being in a big family, one might assume I never feel alone. Everyone feels alone now and again despite how many people you surround yourself with. Through each of those times last year, I look back now and realize that I was really never alone. We are never alone. Look around you and you'll see that there is always someone in your life that cares. Always. And let's not forget that Someone has promised never to leave us or forsake us. So lets remember in this new year that we are never alone. God is always, always watching out for us! 

What is something God has taught you last year? Comment below! 

Many Blessings
Brooklyne Elysse


  1. oh I loved reading this! the phone one was huge for me last year, it feels so so good to take a step back from everything and put those boundaries in.

    1. Yes, I totally relate! My phone is a big draw, and I’m working on prioritizing and having clearer boundaries with it... Lmk if you have any tips with what has helped you!

  2. Wow. I loved reading this. I could relate to so many of these! *hugs* The first part of 2019 was actually pretty hard on me and I learned a lot. Some of these felt like they were written by me. Loved this post, girl!
    God bless you my friend! <3333333

    1. Your comments always make me happy, Liberty!! <3
      Same here, same here. Last year tested me greatly, but now we are all the more stronger, right? :)
      I hope 2020 is a amazing new year for you!

    2. Awe, I'm glad!! <3
      YES! I agree. ;)
      Thanks, girl. <3 Same to you!

  3. "What I'm learnING: to live in the present and not to live on my phone." Oh my goodness, you couldn't have put this better!! I really have a problem with my screen time, but I'm learning to decrease it day by day. I related to almost of these and loved this in-depth post, Brooklyne! <333

    1. Screen time is a huge struggle. But it’s very serious because I find that if I’m on my phone for a long period of time, it effects how productive I feel, my mood, my energy, etc. Hopefully we can both find a balance that fits our schedules. :)
      Thanks for reading, Ash! I’m so glad you liked hearing about some of the things I’ve learned last year!

  4. I'm supposed to let you know, I tagged you over on my blog. *grins*

  5. In learning some of these and I really get you on the number 9, the friend thing.... I don't have a lot of friends, though I am learning family is the best friends. :D

    1. Yes! I understand how that is... but I think it’s so important for us both to cherish the friends and family who are close to us. Because I’d rather have a few close friends than many not-so-close friends. ;)

  6. These are such great things! Especially sixteen.

    1. Thanks, Skye!
      Yes! There are so many picture worthy things, but if we are constantly trying to capture the moments with pictures, we will end up missing out on the actual moment...
