Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Never Have I Ever...

1. Link and thank the blogger who tagged you. (Technically, I stole this tag from Kassie!)
2. Include the graphic somewhere in your post. (^^Up above)
3. Answer the questions truthfully and honestly.
4. Tag 3 bloggers. (Tagging the the first three commenters who call themselves writers!)

Never have I ever…

…started a novel that I didn’t finish.
Yes, I've started a couple, actually! *headdesk* Someday, I'll finish the most recent ones and someday, I might dust the older ones off and try again.

…written a story completely by hand.
Yes. It was a short story, nothing too long.

…changed tenses midway through a story.
On accident, yes!

…not researched anything before starting a story.
Yes... I don't know if I recommend it. But whatever works, right?

…changed my protagonist’s name halfway through a draft.
Changed it's spelling, yes. But not their name.

…written a story in a month or less.
Nope. Unless you count flash fiction. :)

…fallen asleep while writing.
No, never done that! Guess my stories aren't too boring after all! *winks*

…corrected someone’s grammar irl/online.
*slowly raises hand* guilty as charged.

…yelled in all caps at myself in the middle of a novel.
Um, not yelled. But I do write notes to myself in neon green, don't know why I chose that color.

…used “I’m writing” as an excuse.
Haha, yes!

…killed a character that was based on someone I know in real life.
My lips are sealed! jk

…used pop culture references in a story.
Not much, but I might later on.

…written between the hours of 1 a.m. and 6 a.m.
Uh, not very frequently do I find myself writing this early.

…drank an entire pot of coffee while writing.
I've never had a entire pot of coffee ever. :)

…written down dreams to use in potential novels.
Maybe some dream have inspired different scenes, but no, I've never written my dreams down.

…published an unedited story on the internet/blog/Wattpad.
I've posted a couple stories I write when I was younger and tried to keep them closest to the original story. But I usually read over stories 230393898 times before I post something like a story.

…procrastinated homework because I wanted to write.
Not really.

…typed so long that my wrists hurt.
Yess! Sometimes I have to take brakes because my hands start to cramp.

…spilled a drink on my laptop while writing.
Thankfully, no!

…forgotten to save my work/draft.
I remember a time when I lost a whole short story I had written for a contest. Actually my dog stepped on the delete button I think... yep, good times.

…finished a novel.
Actually, no. But this is soon to change!

…laughed like an evil villain while writing a scene.
No, but I can relate to this a little. :)

…cried while writing a scene.

…created maps of my fictional worlds.
I once drew a map of the Oregon trail. But that's abt it.

…researched something shady for a novel.
Haha, maybe maybe not.

I hope y'all liked reading more about me as a writer! 
Have you ever written between the hours of 1 AM to 6 AM?

Many Blessings,
Brooklyne Elysse


  1. Um, yeah, I do yell at myself in all caps...sometimes it's more like aggressive suggestions or notes though...

  2. I loved doing this tag and it's so much fun to read other people's answers! And yep, I've written at pretty much every hour at some point XD

    1. Yes! Same here! ;)
      Ah, that’s awesome! The latest:earliest I’ve written is either midnight or 5am.

      Thanks for commenting! <3

  3. Great tag! :)
    I don't think I have ever written that late / early.

    1. Thanks!
      I know, that’s dedication to write all night like that! XD

  4. Fun tag! I've written once between the times of 1am and 6am! Lol!

  5. What a fun tag! I loved reading your answers. :D I loved your answer to if you've ever fallen asleep while writing. ;D

    1. Lol, one of my biggest writer fears is that someone falls asleep by reading my book! ;)
