Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Journal Clips

Today you get a very rare glimpse into my closest writings: my journal. I've been journaling off and on since 2015. And today, I'm sharing with y'all a couple clips from the last three years.


♡Who am I to write devotionals today? Who am I to try and help with others.

♡ I'm so not fun. Those are lies, I know, but tonight they feel like they are true.

♡All I know is God's got it. Whatever it is, He's got it under control. All I need to do is seek Jesus-- the Giver of peace. And take one step, one day at a time. I want to live in these moments no matter how stressful, painful, or unknown they are. Because someday I will look back and sing "you're gonna miss this..."

♡But, have you ever thought that God's plan works best when you don't have it all together? God uses the unknown to build trust. God uses the change to grow closer to Him, and God uses the comfort zones to teach you to not be conformed. To not settle, to not be scared, to be bold. Every time you break through a stubborn comfort zone, God is just unfurling His plan in your life, creating so much more chances to make a difference and to life for Him. God uses our weakness to show His perfect strength.


♡I'm truly just a terrified little girl that the world sees as old enough to be considered an adult.

♡It's just so hard
I don't know why things
have to happen

♡ No one can help, and the Someone who can, does in a way that I can't see.

♡It's ok to be original to who you are.


♡Sometimes it's hard for me to live in the moment. But this is something I need to work on: being content where I am. It's okay for me to dream about "someday" but if I get so wrapped up in someday, then I'll miss all the amazingness of today.

♡Life is unexpected.

♡Jesus looks at the heart and not at the outward appearance. Wearing a skirt or jeans has nothing to do with salvation. Jesus looks at your heart.

♡Stop looking for flaws when you're fearfully and wonderfully made.

♡My future husband is out there, not on a white horse, but on a turtle and he's lost. :)

♡You can be different and still make a difference.

♡Stop holding the darn grudge, smile, forgive. Show some grace.

Do you keep a journal?
 Comment below and tell me something good that has happened in your life this week! <3 

Also, how's Camp Nano going for those who are doing it this year? Would you guys like to see a writing update? 

Many Blessings,
Brooklyne Elysse 


  1. Awe, I loved getting a little glimpse into your journal! It made me smile.
    Lol, that one about your future husband being lost made me laugh! xP
    Have a good day my friend! <3 <3

    1. I’m glad! I was actually a little nervous to share something so close to me, but I thought maybe someone could find something inside my rambles. <3 So thanks for reading!
      Haha, I saw that quote somewhere and had to write it down in my journal. XD

  2. Hey! I love the part about your future husband. He's on a turtle.
    Something I have learned is: Its ok not to be ok. <3 Great post!

    1. I know! I got a kick out of that one, it’s hilarious but so true!
      Thanks for reading! <3

  3. I loved this! I have been journaling off and on since I was 6, and have been doing it a lot more this year. I love writing my thoughts out and it's always fun looking back and seeing how God was working on your life when you may have not even seen it then. :)

    Oooh yeah Camp NaNo! My goal was 35k and I was on a spree of writing 1k words everyday (I stayed up way too late some nights lol) and I already got to my word count goal, lol! ;D
    How about you? A writing update post would be fun!!!

    1. I’m glad! Journaling is such a great outlet! I’m really glad I started keeping a journal. ;)

      WOW!! Congrats on meeting your goal! *throws confetti* My writing has been going really good, thanks for asking. I hit 17k words today since the start of Nano! I think I may do a writing update soon!!

  4. I really liked this post, Brooklyne! I was fun to get a glimpse into your journal. I love to journal so much!!

    I'd love to see a writing update!! :D

    1. Thank ya! Journaling is really a great way to keep track of events and emotions. xx

      *two thumbs up*

  5. I love this. <3 <3 Might have to borrow your idea and do something similar sometime. :)

    1. Thanks for commenting, Faith!! I’m glad you liked reading some of my journal clips, definitely feel free to borrow this posting idea! I’d love to read your post! XD

  6. So many Prince Charmings ride on turtles XD

    Nano is going...differently shall we say? I had to lower my goals, but I think I can hit it though. And yes send a writing update our way!

    1. Lol, yes they do! ;)

      YOU GOT THIS! *sends inspiration chocolate* Just one sentence at a time. <3

  7. Kudos to you for keeping up with a journal! I've tried for years to do such a thing...I've finally resorted to pulling out a journal 2 or 3 times a year and just writing out a few pages of "updates" as to what I've been up to.

    1. Haha, thanks! And, hey, that’s a good idea! I only get journal entries a few times a month, but enough to look back on. It’s kinda interesting to be able to see what our thoughts were looking back. ;)

  8. I LOVE this, Brooklyne! Btw, awesome job keeping a journal! *applauds* I can NEVER keep a journal; I fail every time *laughing*

    1. Thanks for reading, Izzy!! <3 I really like keeping a journal! I decided to start journaling ever since we read my mom’s journal as a kid... I thought it would be nice to start my own. ;) Haha, I skip lots of days sometimes too! *winks*
