Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Ten Book Genres // Yay or Nay

Today I thought I'd mix things up a bit and voice some of my opinions on one of my favorite topics: books!

I would definitely consider myself to be a bookworm and love to talk about literary pieces of art. But the best thing about being a reader is, you can form your own opinions about the books you read and they can differ from other people. Cause that's what makes the world go 'round! And even though we all have our own unique thoughts about books, us bookworms can all agree on one thing... ok, a couple things: Libraries can be dangerous to TBR piles, and sifting through a paperback is just pure amazingness!

But lets talk about top ten book genres that seem to be the most popular. And i'm going to either vote "Yay" or "Nay" depending on my opinion on each genre. Then explain my reasoning behind my vote.

So lets dive in!

Biblical Fiction

Vote: Nay

Why: I have never been big into Biblical Fiction because I feel like the real truth of the Bible can be tweaked depending on the writers view point in the Bible. I try to keep the Bible separate from fictional characters so I don't get confused.

Historical Fiction

Vote: Yay

Why: Well, for starters, who doesn't love to think back into History and imagine all the stories that could have taken place! Historical Fiction gives me the little bit of western, vintage, simple life picture that I just love. Now, I will admit, some historical fiction books can have way too much historical details or become too preachy, but most of the time there is lots of adventure.

Contemporary Fiction

Vote: Yay

Why: I use to not care for contemporary fiction, but now, I love it! Why? Because I can relate to it, and it's usually easy to understand. And fun.


Vote: Yay-ish

Why: It depends on the non-fiction book for me! Non fiction is harder for me to stay focused because it looses my interest, but every once in awhile, I will come across a great non-fiction! Lmk if you need recs! Both self-help or writing related...


Vote: Nay

Why: Truthfully, I've never been into fantasy novels. Maybe my imagination just doesn't stretch to dragons, magic, and make-believe worlds/scenarios. Plus, I can't handle the dark themes and double meaning attributes that usually come with a fantasy book. Now, this doesn't mean that I won't ever pick up a fantasy book, I have actually considered trying some that my trusted friends have suggested. So if you have any good fantasy that wouldn't scare me off or make me feel uncomfortable, feel free to recommend some in the comments!

Action + Adventure

Vote: Yay

Why: I love a good adventure to keep me turning the page. When adventure and action are joined, sometimes it can get iffy, but usually if it is Christian Fiction, you should be safe. All depends on the book though.


Vote: Nay

Why: Ah, I don't want to dislike classics so much, but I do! The writing styles are usually so complicated. Which is a good thing. People back then had such a way with words! But-- they can be excruciatingly long, thus boring. I like the idea of classics, but when it comes down to actually reading them, I'll pass.

Mystery + Suspense + Crime

Vote: Yay-ish

Why: Give me some good, mysteries that aren't "messed up" in the bad guy/gal department, and I'll be set! Plus, books that keep you in suspense are pretty awesome. Obviously, with this genre, you have to be carful, but I've been able to find some great ones!


Vote: Nay

Why: Sci-Fi (aka Science Fiction) is speculative fiction that typically deals with futuristic concepts like technology, time travel, worlds, etc. No, just can't do it. Books like this are so not my type. In fact, they creep me out. Definite "Nay" for me.


Vote: Yay

Why: I fight this, I don't like to admit it, but unfortunately i'm kinda a romantic at heart. I'm a fan of sweet love stories. Pure relationships. Stories of how fictional characters find the "one" for them. *sigh* I can't help it. Plus, it's even better when there is a obstacle that the couple has to overcome.
But-- there are two very different sides to the "Romance" genre. There's the kind I like, the kind of romance that is just right and not "mushy" or "steamy." And then there's the opposite of what I like. And I don't have much experience with that kind of romance besides seeing some, shall we say, interesting in a not so great way book covers. Take my advice and steer clear of those kinds of romance fiction.

What's your favorite book genre?? Talk to me in the comments below! <3 

Many Blessings,
Brooklyne Elysse


  1. I love this!! I so agree with you on Biblical fiction and Fantasy. Definitely not my thing!!

    1. Sounds like we have a lot in common with our book choices! Thanks for reading this post, Victoria! <3

  2. I'm the exact same as you for every one! (even the reasoning) We are twin bookworms! ;)
    The only Fantasy books that I have ever read were Fawkes and Romanov, and they were pretty good! I'm not sure how I feel about the romance genre though...I'm ok with a little, but not the mushy kind:)

    1. Haha, yesss!!!
      Nice, I’ve heard a lot of good things about those two, I might need to give them a try if I’m ever in the mood for something new. ;)

  3. I love this post, Brooklyne! I totally agree with you!
    I am definitely not a fan of Biblical fiction for the reasons you said.
    I’m starting to get into the whole mystery/suspense/crime genre, but it can be hard to find books like that that aren’t creepy!
    I think currently my favorite genre is probably contemporary! ;)

    1. I’m so glad!
      Yes, totally agree!
      I’m starting to get into contemporary more and more... <3

  4. Love this post!
    I agree with you on all the genres. I do think I'd be a "nay" for crime and mysteries. LOL I can't handle the suspense XD

    1. Thanks for reading, Izzy! <3
      Haha, yes, that’s a big part of it!

  5. I like most genres. Though I love mystery and adventure a lot. Some fantasy is good and some sci-fi. Contemporary can be good as well, I do like historical a lot 😉

    1. That’s awesome!! It’s good to be a well rounded reader! ;)
