Monday, August 5, 2019

Sunshine Blogger Award // Liebster Award

Today's post is super fun! Because I'm doing two tags in one post! It's the Sunshine Blogger Award tag AND the Liebster Award tag!

~Sunshine Blogger Award~

~Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog so others can find them. (Thank you Julia!!)
~ List the rules and display an award logo on your blog post. (Up above!)
~ Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
~ Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and notify them by commenting on any of their posts.
~ Ask the nominees 11 new questions.

1. What or who has been your greatest inspiration in life?

Um, wow! That's a hard questions to answer! I would say my whole family inspires me, but also reading the Bible and hearing about how Jesus lived when He was on earth, really inspires me too.

2. What’s your cure for when you’re having a bad day?

Boy howdy, another hard one! Lets see, I guess it depends on the bad day. Sometimes taking a four wheeler ride clears my head, or other times I need to go and workout for awhile to work off some steam. Then, somedays I just need to write out my feelings. Or listen to music helps too. Or, help someone with their problems, then you won't focus on your own so much...

3. If you could do anything in the world (and I mean ANYTHING) what would you do?

I would want to rescue all the animals and children in the world who are unloved, help the hurting, and give food and shelter to the homeless.

4. What about people inspire you most/what characteristic do you respect most in people?

I admire when people are genuinely kind.

5. If you could only accomplish ONE thing in your life, and that is what you will go down in the History books known for, what would you want your one great accomplishment to be? 

I don't do good with questions like this! I can't ever make up my mind! Um, lets see, I'd want to be known for the girl who didn't do anything "big" in her life, but somehow touched the lives of many in a deep and unforgettable way.

6. Most life changing book and why?

The Bible. It is the most life changing book that has ever and will ever be written. Why? Because it is the inspired word of God! It doesn't get more life changing than that!

7. What does a successful life mean/look like to you?

These are deep questions, girl! To me, a successful life means being content and living in the here and now. In being present for those you love, and working hard but always having time for the things that matter the most.

8. What’s your MBTI type? 

Either INFJ or INFP but I'm not sure! *headdesk*

9. Favorite song and why?

I can't decide! I like music too much to have only one favorite song!

10. If the meaning of your name determined your personality, what would you want your name to be? (+include its meaning!)

Adalie means a kind or a kind-hearted person.

11. Everyone’s life is a story, when yours comes to a close, what message do you want it to give? 

I would have to think long and hard on this one...


I nominate the first 11 people who comment!!!

Here are your questions:
1. What is one thing you like about your middle name?
2. If you could play any instrument without having to learn it, what would you play?
3. What's your favorite veggie?
4. How much would you have to be payed to go skydiving?
5. What is your favorite plant and why?
6. What was the first thing you woke up thinking today?
7. Would you rather go swimming or lay out?
8. What is your favorite song to sing with your best friend?
9. Can you do a cartwheel?
10. What is your MBTI type?
11. Do you keep your room clean or messy?

~Liebster Award Tag~  


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. (Thank you, Lilly!!!) 
2. Display your award. (Up above!)
3. Answer the questions you were asked.
4. Nominate 5 other bloggers.
5. Ask 6 new questions.
6. Let your nominees know they were nominated and give them a link to your post.


1. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

I would change my tendency to be a afraid of the unknown. 

2. What's your preferred pet?

Dogs, horses, and goats! I love 'em all though! 

3. If you could live in any era, which would you choose?

I don't know! The Wild West might be kinda cool...

4. If you could rename your siblings, would you?

Nah, I like their names! 

5. Do you have any nicknames? If so - which is your favorite?

I go by Ben, Brooke, May-May, and Maym... but I like May-May best because my little sister came up with it when she couldn't say my real name, so it kinda stuck after that! 

6. What is your ideal height?

I use to want to be really tall, but now I like my height at 5'7''!


I nominate any five people who had pancakes for breakfast this morning! And if you didn't and still want to steel this tag, go for it! 

My questions for you are: 
1. What is a song you learned in school to help you memorize something?
2. What is your favorite pancake topping? Or are you a waffle fan?
3. What is your cure for having a bad day? 
4. Favorite Bible verse you know by heart? 
5. Favorite sea creature? 
6. What is your favorite season and what do you like about it? 

How did you like reading these tags? Are you looking forward to anything this week? Did any of you do anything exciting last week? (I did, but I will have to write a post about it!) Are you going to do any of these tags? Lets talk in the comments below!


  1. Great answers, Brooklyne! :) Looks like I'm tagged! ;D

    1. Thanks, Molly! Yes you are... Tag, you're it! Can't wait to read your answers! :)

  2. Fun answers! Here are mine:
    1. I like the simplicity and meaning of it:)
    2. The piano (I already know the basics though)
    3. Cherry tomatoes
    4. I don't know. Maybe $1,000,000 ๐Ÿ˜‚
    5. I like roses because of their color and their design:) I also like Lily of the Valleys
    6. I don't remember...
    7. Swimming! ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿป
    8. I like singing songs from musicals or any Danny Gokey song with my sister๐Ÿ˜Š
    9. Yes:-)
    10. What does that mean?
    11. Clean๐Ÿ˜€

    This was fun! <3

    1. Loved reading your answers, Patience!!! And you'd have to pay me that much to jump out of a plane too!! ;)
      MBTI type is a personality test. XD

      Have a gr8 day!! <3

  3. "I'd want to be known for the girl who didn't do anything "big" in her life, but somehow touched the lives of many in a deep and unforgettable way."
    ^ YESSSS. Just...YES ^
    So many times I think we get it in our minds that to live a meaningful life, or to do something that matters, we have to do something BIG and WOWING. But we don't. The most meaningful life is the one that touches lives, and it doesn't take being on TV to do that. All it takes is showing Christ's love. <3

    Those were some great answers, Brooklyne ! I try to come up with unique questions to make the tags more accomplished? Lol XD

    1. Yes, totally! It's easy to see those who are famous, or those who have obviously made a huge impact and think that those people are the only ones that are the world changers. But really, sometimes the people who aren't as well known in the world can make a bigger impact on their group of family and friends and change someone's world. <3

      Goal definitely accomplished! Those questions really had me pondering! Thanks again for tagging me!

  4. May-may spelled mei mei in Mandarin means 'little sister '.☺ I'll do the tag eventually.☺

    1. Yes, isn't that so cool! Although in her case, I'd be big sister! :)
      Awesome! Can't wait to read your answers then!

  5. Congrats on the nominations, Brooklyne! Great answers - it was nice to learn more about you :D I agree with you that the Bible is the most life changing and inspiring book!
    Maybe I'll do the Liebster Award in my free while :)
    Have a great day!
    Ann xx

    1. Thank you, Ann!! Yes, the Bible is definitely the most life changing book! <3
      That would be awesome! And thanks for reading this post! ;)

  6. Hey I'm one of the first eleven people to comment! The sunshine blogger award looks fun, you asked some great questions, so I definitely think I'll do it! :D
    I really enjoyed reading your answers to the questions that you were asked! :)

    1. That's awesome! It is fun, I'd love to read your answers to my questions!
      Thanks for reading! <33
