Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Book Series Spotlight & Review

Hey luvs! 

I don't know how many of you remember THIS POST back in June 2020, featuring the Wings of Glory book series by Sarah Sundin. Today's post is going to be the same just with a new series! 

I'll be sharing my individual reviews for this trilogy as well as a review of the series as a whole. 

I got these books gifted to my by my dear sis so I had all three paperbacks! 

Book one I read from start to finish: 07/10/20 - 07/13/20 (three days!) 
Book two I read from start to finish: 07/15/20 - 07/21/20 (seven days!) 
Book three I read from start to finish: 12/09/20 - 01/02/21 (twenty-six days...) 

Flights of Fancy 

4 1/2 Stars! 

"When you can read a book in 3 days after a reading slump of months, you know it's a good book! 

Honestly, when I read the first three chapters, I wasn't sure I was going to like it. The first chapters for me were more like a 2 star rating. But then, then there was a (quite hilarious) first impression of the two main characters. Ah, yes. One that was totally unrealistic but totally entertaining and I just had to see how her employment at Glory Manor would pan out. I must say, both of the main characters grew on me until realized how much I was enjoying this fun read! This book reminded me how much I love to smile and laugh while reading.

It was a lighthearted story with deep lessons learned. Funny events that I honestly could kinda relate to. (I've never had Buttercup in the house, but I have had my fair share of chickens, goats, and mini horses in the house!)

I love that the farm loved their animals. (I'm not sure how realistic it was for the timeframe...) And naming the animals was so cute. Also, the four children in this story was adorable and it would not have been the same without them. (They reminded me of my own short story!)

I found this book to be somewhat unrealistic for the time period, but it didn't bother me because I wasn't going into the book hoping it would be perfectly historical. I just needed a fun read! And it was! It was also interesting to learn about the business side of things. 

The writing style was different, but really good!

The romance wasn't my top favorite by any means, but I think the characters matured so much in the end. At first, it was so much about physical appearance that it was SO annoying to me. But then, their relationship went deeper and their purposes in life changed who they were. (They were pretty perfect for each other!) There was a typical miscommunication at the end, but even though it was predictable at times, it was enough excitement for me to finish this book past midnight. And that says a lot for a climax of a story.

It's a story about finding your true purpose and identity. Often God's plan is different than what the world views as successful and important. But trust me, God's plan is far wilder and far more important than you, I, or society could even dream up! 

In the end, I'm so glad to have read this story and glad to have been gifted this series! Thanks sis!" 

Diamond in the Rough

3 1/2 Star Rating

"Book two in the American Heiresses series was such a fun read! 

Poppy was my favorite character (I also loved Beatrix and can't wait for her book!) But Reginald was just OK for me. I didn't really get into his character that much. 

I loved how Poppy spoke her mind and was completely honest about each situation. Not caring what others thought. I laughed so hard when she flung the snail across the room, and getting to read about each bit of "mayhem" she caused was "quite" entertaining! Her desire to help those less fortunate was also a nice addition to Poppy's character. 

Murray played and interesting role in the story. Sometimes I found his character amusing, while other times he seemed like he really didn't fit in with the storyline besides being friends with Poppy. 

I really liked the character development of Viola (Poppy's grandma) and how she changed from when the book first began. 

I wish there was some more faith content in this book. And I felt like the plot was a continuous roller coaster of small incidents but nothing big happened until the end where I felt like it was rushed.

I liked reading book one just a tad more. I think that has a lot to do with the fact that I like reading books set in a country setting apposed to the city and Society Life written about in book two.

I definitely enjoyed Diamond in the Rough and look forward to reading book three! Thanks for reading my review!" 

Storing Up Trouble 

Just made a 3 star rating

"Storing Up Trouble was a read that I had a hard time deciding the star rating for. 

Maybe I had my hopes set too high. It was a slight disappointment. Somehow I was expecting it to be funnier. More interesting. And more exciting because of the snapshots of Beatrix's character from the other book.

It was pretty slow... (something that is not entirely bad). But it didn't grab for my attention like book one. I felt like the many side characters kinda took away form the main characters. And once again, I liked the side characters better (Theo!) 

Norman was a odd man. Lol, this added to the story. I'd say his character changed the most. He started out very scientific and self centered, and towards the end, changed drastically. Caring for his niece and showing random acts of kindness... 

Beatrix was spunky. She cut to the chase and knew what she wanted. She had a kind heart and didn't let what others thought of her to effect who she knew she was. (Similar to Poppy's character).

Their romance was just OK for me. I didn't really feel they had a strong connection. Always being "annoyed" with each other. 

The cast of characters seemed overwhelming. And I found it hard to remember who was who because many were just mentioned a few times but never really expounded upon. 

The plot, again, was just "meh" for me. And the "bad guys" were what you'd find in a Mandie movie. Irritated with each other and confessing it all right at the very end. Not a serious threat... 

Despite being disappointed with some of the major things in this book, I enjoyed the overall story and by no means is it's content bad. I liked how it talked about some of the other characters from the previous books (I love it when series tie together!!) I also liked how she worked as a salesgirl to really understand the cause she supported. Lastly, I liked Beatrix's heart for helping the women who were at a disadvantage... just because they were women. 

It was interesting to see a book placed that timeframe. I got a small taste of what things could have even like."

American Heiresses Series 

3 1/2 Star Rating

Overall, this series was a fun adventure! The covers are AMAZING and I love how they all match so well!!! *heart eyes*  

The main characters were fairly similar in each book. The women were American Heiresses, but not snobs and wanted to use their inheritance to support others less fortunate. There were funny parts in each book. I love it when you can get a kick out of the characters and their situations they find themselves in! I also liked the animals in each book (the cow in book one and the cats in book two!) Plus, there was some side characters that I loved getting to know as well. Another thing in book two and three were the girls having guy friends but not romantically involved. This was cool to see because most fiction books don't do this. 

I'm looking forward to reading more books by this new-to-me author! 

I'd definitely recommend this series for someone looking to read a lighthearted adventure showcasing unlikely characters set towards a future of service and hope! 

Have you ever read this series before? Have you read any other books by Jen Turano? What is the last book you read that made you laugh out loud?? Comment Below! 

Many Blessings, 
Brooklyne Elysse 


  1. Now I really want to read these books! ;) I loved hearing your thoughts on the series. I was excited to see that my library has them.
    Aside from a novella, I haven't read anything else by Jen Turano.
    The last book that made me laugh out loud was Sketchy Behavior by Erynn Mangum. :D

    1. Yes! I’m super glad I read them! :) I really like the style as well. Her use of the work “curious” was awesome. XD
      I love laughing because of books... it’s like a inside joke with a friend.

  2. Thanks for these reviews, Ben! <3
