Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Bookworm Pet Peeves


In this post, I thought it might be fun to cover some of my Bookworm Pet Peeves. So, below is a list of 10 things I find annoying in the bookish world. Maybe you can relate to some of these! And if you do, comment below or tell me some of your own book related annoyances! *winks* 

  1. Witnessing other readers fold the front cover behind the back cover, bending the spine, and creating warped covers. *jaw drops in horror*
  2. When a page has been dog eared... (Note: I do have an exception of dog earring non fiction or journal pages. But fiction? NEVER!)
  3. Library stickers or stickers in general. When you get a good deal on the book and there's a sticker on it, this happens about 99% of the time. Although this is annoying, I do have a cure for stickers (goo be gone spray gel). But when they are retired library books with the library labeled spines, those are impossible to remove without hurting the cover. Thus, library stickers had to make this list! They are every bookworm's nightmare.
  4. Hype for a book that I dislike. I find it very annoying when there is an extreme amount of hype for a book that I could care less about. That's great that you have a book to fangirl over, but do you have to share about it everywhere?! *eye roll*
  5. A good book that's too short. That moment when you are loving a book and it somehow just... ends?!?! How can authors do this to their readers!?
  6. Half books in a series. As a reader, I find this to be extremely annoying. Book 1, book 2, book 2.5, and book 3. A half book that is shorter that somehow squeezes into a series? I don't think so. (Also, on a side note, I don't care for compilations either.)
  7. When the title has nothing to do with the story. This is truly a rare pet peeve, but occasionally it will happen that the title (or even the back blurb) help in no way to understand what's inside the book.
  8. Annoying characters. Usually there is that "one" character in a book that just rubs me the wrong way. Just a bookworm thing. *headdesk* 
  9. When the series has different sized books. Now, I may be a little on the picky side, but when my books are lined up on my shelf, I much prefer the series to match and have the books be the same size. Am I the only one? 
  10. When the book gets a updated cover. Personally, I don't like it when the author updates a cover. First, it makes me feel like I need to buy it. Second, if you don't like the first cover in the first place, then you should worked on it more. Third, I usually get attached to the first cover and correlate it with the book, and if you change it, then I'm more likely to be biased and not like the second cover.
Can you relate to any of these? Comment below! 

Many Blessings, 
Brooklyne Elysse 


  1. These are great, Brooklyne! I relate to basically all of them! ;D Especially number 1. ;D

  2. I related to several! I hate stickers on books, and I don't care for books that just end abruptly. But I don't mind a cover switch if it improves the book. I'm kinda 50-50 on that.

    And I'll admit, I love half books XD my bookish pet peeve is dust jackets *shivers*

    Okay...I totally need to do a post on this!!! Thanks for the inspo!

    1. Bookish pet peeves is a real deal! XD
      Stickers are the worst!

      You should totally do a post like this, I’d love to read it!! XD

  3. 5. YESSSS The Girl Who Could See is a good example...beautifully good, but so super short!

    And 9. Ohhhh boy does that annoy me more than anything!!! (Different editions can bother me as well. Like, I just wanna buy the whole series and have them all look the same!!)

    10. Usually this annoys me, too. Every now and then the cover will be better, and that's fine. And different covers for paperback/hardback are fine, I guess. But yeah....

    This was awesome!!!!

    (And don't get me started on those library stickers....)

    1. I’ve heard really good things about that book!! Too bad it had to end so quickly!

      EXACTLY!! *exasperated breath*


  4. I can relate to a lot of these! Specifically the covers, spines, and stickerzzzzz *shudders*

  5. Haha...I think I *especially* relate to numbers 10, 9, 8...and 5. I hate it when good books just...end! XD And I've felt the same way about changing covers. Like with the Wingfeather saga...I got really attached to the old cover and they looked so old...and cool. And the new ones felt so "modern" and different. *sighs* I've warmed up a bit to them, but still...:) And then, why, oh, why would different books in a series need to be different sizes!!! It's awful. XD
    You should do more of these. :)

    1. Yessss! I’ve had that happen before! New covers are just not the same!!
      Thanks for reading, Faith! Maybe I’ll do something similar to this again...

  6. I can relate to sooo many! ;D (I'm a picky reader, haha)
    It annoys me so much when someone bends the cover back, and it never lays flat again😂
    I know what you mean about number 6! It's very confusing and doesn't make sense to me...
    And I can definitely relate to 3 and 8😜

    1. (*winks* ditto!)
      Same here!! My dad is notorious for bending covers and it drives me crazy! ;)

    2. My dad always does it and it’s aggravating! 😆

    Especially warped covers.
    I also have a pet peeve when the title of the chapter has nothing to do with anything. 🤦‍♀️

      Lol, who knew there could be so many pet peeves for book lovers!

  8. I agree with you on a lot of these! Half books don’t make a lot of sense to me… ;D
    Stickers on books are so awful!

  9. I never dog ear my books. :) I really don't like when there is hype for a book that isn't a good book to be reading.
    Great list!

  10. When you have to flip to the very back to find the footnotes (or even to the end of the chapter)... WHY?!?!

    And the good book that's too short is also way too true... It's only slightly more bearable when it's part of a series.

    I kinda like half-books, though, because that just means there's more to the series. :) Though, they can be annoying at times...
