Wednesday, September 30, 2020

My Wild Side (lol)

Good morning!! Today I'm currently on a crazy wildly fun adventure that I'll probably share about later. But for now, here's a post that was super fun to write!

This post is all about adventures! Guys. I'm. Not. Adventurous. (Or am I?)

Interestingly enough, I've had my fair share of adventures... In today's post, I'm going to be talking about them. 

"I was a wild child, Zoe." -Mom's Night Out 

Ahem. Now that I got that out of my system, lets start this post! I also linked back to related posts.

Twenty Adventures worth mentioning: 

White Water Rafting 

I've gone white water rafting once, and it was a BLAST! Like, so fun and exciting! Honestly, I didn't feel as scared as I thought I would. I actually kinda got into it. Our guide was very skilled and that made a lot of difference! Also, I belly laugh every time I see the pictures. lol.

(Also on this trip, I jumped off a boulder into the water!)

Zip Lining

*blog graphic picture*
I've gone zip lining twice! And the second time, I went zip lining in a cavern! Talk about a.d.v.e.n.t.u.r.e! 

Rock Climbing 

I've only been rock climbing indoors, but the few times I've done it, it's been fun! And quite the forearm exercise...

Horse Riding 

Riding Rosie definitely qualifies as an adventure! Hitting the ground coming off of a 1,000 pound animal at a high speed is not recommended by yours truly, but when you live to tell the tale, it does make for an exciting adventure.


OK, so this adventure, I had to be talked into. Like, why would I want to be suspended by a parachute thing over a large body of water filled to the brim with ocean life? That doesn't make logical sense if you want to live a good, long life! But--nonetheless, I was persuaded. And I'm rly glad I got to go on this adventure! Such a fun family memory!

Roller Coaster 

So, I've been on quite a few roller coasters. But, the last time we went (years ago), I stepped outside of my comfort zone and rode a upside down roller coaster! Talk about scary! Honestly, it went by so fast, I barely remember it. *winks*

Mountain Roller Coaster

This was a lot of fun! 

Rooftop Party :) 

I know, I know. Totally unlike me to go to a "rooftop party." It's not how it sounds. Besides the fact that I had to be around people my age and stand on top of a rly tall building, there wasn't much "adventurous" about that experience! But. I had to mention it!

Water Park 

The only reason I mention this one is I once went down a really tall waterslide that went straight down! Literally straight down. I'm actually still surprised I had enough courage for this one...

Ride and Tie

I was 12 years old when I did this adventure with my sis. A Ride and Tie is like a trail endurance race for horse and rider as well as a runner. This was such a fun adventure! We got to ride a horse that we had never ridden before, (riding said horse through unknown trails, over roads, and through a creek) for a four mile Ride and Tie! (But, it was longer than 4 miles bc we got lost.)

That was a spontaneous trip that is definitely a special memory.

Jet ski

Jet skiing is not very adventurous unless you yourself is not very adventurous... then even jet skiing can be scary at times. Especially when you've been on a jet ski that's flipped over. As scary as it was in the moment, I'll still smile when I think about that adventure. ("I can't touch!")

Now, my water skiing attempt didn't go so well. I kinda sorta just got drug across the lake.

Kayaking at Night

Yup. I've been kayaking in the pitch dark. It was an experience. *grins* 

Four Wheeler 

Riding four wheelers can be fun. It can also be crazy scary. I guess that's why I decided to mention it as one of my adventures. (Like rolling it in the creek and somehow surviving with it landing on top of us. God is good, y'all.)


So... I slept in a boat, out on the water, tied to whatever was on the rocky land for 4 days. Now, that was an adventure!

Henna Tattoos 

I've had a henna tattoo done by a professional artist, but I've also done my own! I guess it's not too wild, but kinda?

Here is a design I did on my cousins!

5Ks & Mud Runs

We've done lots of 5ks! And I've only won once in my age group when I was younger, but it's still fun to participate!  

We've also done a few mud runs! Great team work! <3


Yeah, that was fun! And wild.  (Especially the practice round, lol...) We canoed, ran, and then biked (18 miles) to the finish line

Go Carting 

Go carts are fun! One time, we even did the ones where you have to put on a helmet...

Snow Skiing

So, I've been snow skiing a few times. All on man made snow. And surprisingly, I don't crash as much as I thought I would. (Now, I did fall just standing in line, lol) Saying I'm "good" at it would be a stretch. But I'm not half bad. On the less scary slopes. Plz don't put me on a Black Dimond! 

Little Dirt Bike Episode 

Notice "episode." The reason I remember this being adventurous is because when I was little (I mean, real little!) I was learning how to ride our little motorcycle. Long story short, I got the gas and the break mixed up. My dad literally chased me down as I kept going faster and faster (trying to stop!) Thankfully, as I hit the tree line of our property, there was a water hose strung between the trees that stopped me. 

Oh, and I might as well tell y'all of the time I flipped over one of those little kids cars. Note that this was when I was even younger than the motorcycle adventure. (Riding with the same cousin I flipped the four wheeler over with.) Guys! I'm accident prone, and I'm not even trying to be crazy! Trust me, I'm very responsible... *puts on my best convincing smile* It's true, just things seem to always happen when I'm the one driving. 

^^Those were my favorite boots! 

^^ My dad is way more adventurous than I am... *winks* But if I’m adventurous, it probably comes from him... XD

Now it's your turn! What adventures have you gone on? 
On a level of 1-10, how adventurous are you? How adventurous would you say I am? Who's most adventurous in your family?
Comment Below! 

Also, let's not forget most recently when I climbed Grandfather Mountain in NC! There were ladders bolted into the side of the mountain. And cables to hang on to! Yikes!

Many Blessings, Brooklyne Elysse


  1. I think you are pretty adventurous!

    1. Haha, yes! I guess I am... but you have to remember this post is a collection of
      19 years of adventures! XP

  2. Wow! You sure have done more adventurous things than me! I guess I hardly do anything that adventurous. *laughs*
    I think the most adventurous thing I've ever done was swing on my grandparents rope sing but jumping from a platform way up in a tree. You would swing so high your belly would flop and you'd go between a tree that paired off and became two. It was actually quite fun. *winks*
    I think out of my family, Chancy is the most adventurous. xD

    This post was a lot of fun! Have a good day and God bless! <3

    1. Adventures can be a lot of fun! Although usually in the moment, they are oftentimes a little on the scary side. I’m pretty cautious when it comes to stepping outside of my comfort zone, but it’s when I am outside of that zone when God can really show me how much He is in control and learn to trust Him more.
      Oh wow! That sounds fun! I’m not very good at rope swings... I need to work on my upper body strength. *winks*
      What kind of adventures does he like to go on?

      Awe, I’m glad you liked reading this! <3

    2. Oh, he just does crazy things with his friends. *laughs* Like driving way too fast in the hills in his truck, and that kind of stuff. *laughs*

  3. Umm I’d definitely say your adventurous haha The henna is beautiful and something I’d love to try one day! And kayaking at night sounds so fun! I have been on a four wheeler and would love to do it again cus it was such a fun time! :b

    1. Haha, I guess I’m more adventurous than I feel!! XD
      It is a lot of fun to do! We get a kind of henna called Jagua gel henna. It is darker colored then the orange colored henna. The Jagua has been pretty easy to use, it kind of has a blue hue to it. Lmk if you have any questions about the process!
      Kayaking in the dark was definitely a adventure!
      And four wheelers are so much fun! As long as they don’t flip... then, not so much. ;)

  4. That all looks SOOOO FUN!!! I am pretty adventurous when it comes to stuff like that, we had a zipline at our old house but it was very short, and our friends have one that is pretty long but still not that high. I really want to go ziplining in Hawaii though! Our friends have a four wheeler and a dirt bike and it was sooo fun getting to go on them! I've gone rock climbing before too! and I want to go Parasailing!
    Last year we went to 11 different countries in Europe, and when we went to Austria we went on this really fun like roller coaster thing that you get to stear yourself and you get to go on a lift up to a really high mountain and then go all the way down it on the little roller coater that fits one at a time, and you get to pick when you want to go faster and slower! Haha I feel like i'm writing up a whole blog post 😆 so I'll end here. Love the post!


    1. Most of these were SO fun!! I’m glad to have lots of these experiences to remember. Zip lines are so much fun! That’s really cool that you use to have one! I’ve never been to Hawaii, but I bet that would be quite the adventure! Sounds like you are pretty adventurous yourself! That’s awesome!! <3 You should definitely turn your adventures into a blog post!

    2. That's a good idea Brooklyne! maybe I will do a post on my adventures! actually now that you say that, I haven't done a post for like 2 weeks now so... I should do my next post on my adventures... :) Yeah we were thinking of going to Hawaii this year but it never happened, but if we did i definitely would go ziplining!!!


    3. Oh really? Cool! We also had a trip to Hawaii sorta planned, but it didn’t work out either. *wink wink*

  5. Um, girl, you definitely qualify as adventurous....

  6. That's an awesome list!! ;) A lot of the things you've done sound super fun! <3
    On a scale of 1-10, I'm probably an 8 I think?😂 A couple adventurous things I've done is go on three upside down rides at our county fair (they were all super fun!!) and doing a backflip on the diving board at our community pool! =)

    1. Thanks for commenting! Lots of fun memories!
      Oh nice! That’s super cool!

  7. All these things sound so fun! And a lot of them - like kayaking, triathlon, and parasailing - are literally what many people think of when they hear the word "adventurous". Including me. So you can definitely use that as an adjective to describe yourself :P

    1. Yes!! Hehe, well I guess I’m officially considered an “adventurer” then!

  8. I'd say you're pretty adventurous, Brooklyne! :)
    Zip lining just sounds so fun and so does parasailing!

  9. You're far more adventurous than me! Though that depends on what one considers adventurous...I've had some very non-adventurous adventures turn into adventures... Not sure that makes sense, but you make me very curious what kind of adventures I would be able to come up with from my own life to put into a post like this!

    1. Hehe, yes, I totally get it! You should make your own list!! ;)
