Monday, August 24, 2020

Garden Tour 2020 // Photo Dump

 Happy Wednesday, peeps! Who loves to garden? *raises hand* 

Well, I don't know how green my thumb is, but our garden this last year was very fruitful! I was really happy with all of our plants (except for the tomatoes, peas, and green beans.) Also, those pesky raccoons got our corn. *sad face* 

Anyway. I had an idea for a garden tour, and I took the pictures back in June, July, and August but I haven't found the time to post them until now. I seriously can’t believe August is almost over! 

I hope you like seeing some of these pictures of our garden(s)!! 

Did you have a favorite picture? Have you ever grown garlic? We had SO much zucchini and crookneck squash to harvest... Have you ever made zucchini chocolate chip muffins?? Have you ever found a arrowhead in your garden??? 
Comment Below!

Many Blessings, 
Brooklyne Elysse


  1. good job on growing so many vegetables!! I'm terrible with plants😂
    I love the 5th picture!😍

    1. Aw, thanks! Haha, it’s definitely a trial and error kind of thing...
      I like that one too!

  2. I love our garden but I don't think I have a green thumb. *laughs*
    Your garden sure looks full!! *winks*
    We've discovered that we only need to plant one mound of zucchini and it gets us by just fine. *laughs* Other wise we have it coming out of our ears! xD

    1. Yes! It’s such a fun hobby with great rewards!
      I know! One plant produces so so much.

      Lol, that was us this year! We had a ton!

  3. Yes garlic is so fun!! Haha we have so much zucchini that we feed it to the chickens😂 but we LOVE zucchini bread! We make it all the time! Our favorite is lemon😍

    1. It really is! And my family loves cooking with it!

      SAME!! Our chickens love getting any extras! Ah, and lemon zucchini bread is amazing! We made some this year and I put blueberries in it. So good! XD

  4. i loved reading this!!! i grew a huge garden too this year and now i'm busy with harvesting. garlic!! wow! i have been wanting to grow it but we'll see if i get to it this fall!! i tried kale and broccoli this year as a challenge and it turned out so well!
    have a good harvest!!

    1. Thanks so much for commenting, Victoria!
      That’s so great that you were able to have a garden this year! You should definitely try growing garlic, it’s really fun! And garlic scapes make great pesto!
      Oh wow, kale and broccoli are adventurous, I’m glad it went well! <3

  5. Wow your garden looks so good! We didn't have much of a garden this year. Such lovely colors of vegetables! ;)

    1. It definitely was one of our beat years! We made sure to spend time weeding early on, but then when things started to produce, we focused our time on processing the harvest. <3

  6. Sorry about the corn! *sad face*
    I just did a garden post earlier this month! Yes, we've grown garlic before! Not this year, though. And I love making zucchini muffins! (Even more so eating them. XD) We actually have found a lot of arrowheads on our property! (None in the garden, however.)
    Hey, and I tagged you for the Leibster Award!

    1. I know! Those raccoons are pesky little things...
      Garlic is such a easy crop! And so useful!
      Oh yum!!! Same here... I like eating them best! :) When I found that arrowhead, I was so excited! It was the first time I’d found one.

      Thanks for the tag!!

  7. I loved seeing all of the pictures. ;)
