I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas yesterday! I can't believe that December is almost over! And not only is December coming to a close, but also the year of twenty eighteen! This wrap up post is the last post of 2018! So, lets get on with wrapping up the last month of the year! And I will save the "goodbye 2018" speech for next week!
❅❅❅Colder weather❅Hot chocolate❅Painting pottery <3❅Bought 12 books at a thrift store for only 6 dollars!!!❅Wrote❅Late night poem inspiration❅Shipping out a soap order❅Taco Bell❅Reading blog posts❅Writing blog posts❅Planning a surprise for y'all!❅Nativity skit practice at church❅Practicing my gourd thumb piano❅Eating haystacks at potluck (taco salad...)❅Making magnets❅Making a rag bowl ❅Praying❅Giving Bella her medication❅Reading❅Painting nails❅Moving horses in the barn because of weather❅Working out early EARLY in the morning at the YMCA❅Participating in my first book tour!❅Making breakfast❅Singing/dancing with my cousins❅Smoothies❅Looking at a ton of Christmas lights❅Watching Courageous❅Watching JK Studios (Studio C)❅Eating leftovers❅Playing Uno❅Playing Dutch Blitz❅Horse farrier❅Horse chiropractor❅Enjoying cookies❅Deep discussions with mom❅Facials with big sis❅Homemade lemonade❅Chocolate❅Hot tub❅Country music❅Writing❅Soap making (peppermint and lavender)❅WIP research❅Movies❅Painting pottery again!❅FROZEN HOT CHOCOLATE DRINK (It's never too cold outside!)❅Nativity skit and Church Musical❅Yes, we did pull it off, and were surprised to see 97 people at our church! Are usual congregation ranges from 25-30 including my family!❅Preparing and eating good food❅Entering two contests❅Visiting the nursing home for our Christmas program❅Eating vegetarian chicken nachos❅Playing Telestrations❅That game is so fun and funny!❅Watching a movie Christmas night❅❅❅
❄❄❄Because things are funny??❄When I get a Dutch Blitz card out in the middle of the table before my sisters do (you might not know how crazy it can get unless you have played this card game before!)❄At jokes❄At riddles❄When a song pops on and we (me and little sis) know the Studio C version!❄Quoting movies❄Playing battle ship❄At our facial bubble charcoal masks!❄We looked like Pandas!❄At our Telestrations drawings❄❄❄
~Funny moments~
Me: Looking at the DVD player with exasperation. Pushing buttons, "Why won't this thing open so I can put the disk in??"
Little Sis': "It might help if you were using the right remote!"
Little Sis': Tells me a joke.
Me: "I have know IDEA what the answer is."
Little Sis': Tells me the answer.
Me: *laughing*
Little Sis': Tells another joke.
Me: "???"
Little Sis': Answers then tells another.
Me: "I don't know, but these are making my brain hurt!"
(This next one is kind of funny... for you...very awkward for me!)
Bank lady: "Alright, are you a student?"
Me: Looks at mom, "Am I?"
Thoughts: How can I explain that I am technically out of high school, but I am still student aged and not really sure what kind of continual education I might have in the future??? *facepalm*
I'm awkward again, next question...
Bank Lady: "What's your phone number?"
Me: "Um... I don't know, let me see." Looks in phone contacts while face turns miserably red.
Thoughts: Someone help!!! *gulp*
Still awkward...
Bank Lady: "So, what are your plans now that you are out of school?"
Me: "I'm still not sure yet." *very thankful that my mom fills awkward silence following*
Thoughts: *Screams* Not again!!! Why does everyone ask that!!!??? *Decides I need to come up with a better reply* *headdesk*
Who knew getting a checking account could be so torturous! Moving on!
❆❆❆My sweet Bella Baby❆A good deal on books!❆Time with family❆Seat heaters!❆Watching shooting stars❆Family teamwork❆Getting a new book in the mail❆Getting mail❆My new computer❆A space heater in my room (this is a very important thing to have if your room is in the basement!)❆Opportunities to give❆❆❆
❄❄❄To forgive❄To step out of my comfort zone (why is it so hard for me!!!???)❄To better manage my time❄How to write a novel❄That if I plan to get up at 5AM then I need to go to bed at a decent time!❄That God is for sure when we are so unsure❄To roll with it!❄To find confidence in who I am❄That we all cannot be perfect, only Jesus is perfect❄To Trust❄To lean on Him❄To wait❄To seek and search❄To step out in faith❄That time flies, so cherish today❄❄❄
~Mini Photo Dump~
After Nativity Skit and Musical Church service, we had potluck... Look at how pretty that cake is! Chocolate with raspberry!
This is the gourd thumb piano that I played with my cousin for the service.
We got a waffle maker!
I thought this was so pretty!
Peppermint ice cream at a cute little ice cream parlor!
Funny conversation with Lil' Sis! This is how a true blogger texts, btw! And note: I don't like pudding! *makes face*
Peppermint ice cream sandwich, do you see a ice cream pattern here??
This was off of Pinterest that I had saved to my phone a year ago.
Now, for the moment you have all been waiting for!!! My room tour video!
I hope you enjoyed watching that video and reading this post! What was your favorite thing about this wrap-up post? Do you hate pudding like I do? How was your Christmas? Next week I will be talking about some changes to Showers of Blessings (nothing major at all... but if you have any ideas, let me know in the comments so I can be thinking about them!) for the new year, and also talking about 2018. So, be on the lookout for next weeks post! Happy New Year!!!
Let's talk in the comments below!