Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Supernatural

So, if you clicked on this post, you are probably curious about the title. Maybe you are a writer. Maybe you are a reader. Or a movie marathoner. But whichever group you fall under, we all encounter a choice on what types of entertainment/hobbies we allow into our lives. You and I have a choice with what we expose ourselves to. 

In this post, I'll be talking about some of the reasons *why* I don't read, write, or watch things that are dark themed, spooky, or supernatural. These are my own opinions and I will be clear... I have a very strong opinion about this because a few months ago, I experienced a very real situation and thus it's made me extra sensitive/aware. 

If you love fantasy or love dark/scary themes in fictional entertainment, please read my thoughts and know that this is based off of my own experiences. I'm not telling anyone what they should or shouldn't read/write/watch, I'm just sharing a little bit about my own conclusions. 

Please ask questions. Do some research. Come up with your own conclusions. And know that I am praying for each person who reads this. 

Ok, I'll stop rambling now. 

Ever since I was young, I've been sensitive to dark themes. When I say dark themes, I'm talking about the paranormal. I'm talking about "Ghosts", magic, supernatural, evil, extreme gore, extreme violence, extreme content, etc. These things have always made me uncomfortable. Uneasy. Scared. 

Growing up, my mom and dad didn't encourage dark fantasy and even today I've never seen some of the movies that everyone seems to rave about or read some of the most popular books. My parents sheltered me from supernatural books and movies for a reason. Now that I'm mature enough to decide what genres I read/watch, I'm faced with questions about why there is all this hype? 

Why is something that is creepy to little kids so sought after and popular by young adults? Why do we live in a world that is drawn to the paranormal? 

Here's the deal, there is a great controversy much bigger going on. The ultimate battle of light and darkness. We live in a world where satan tries to deceive so many people away from the Light of Jesus. 
And he knows just what tactics to uses, sometimes so sugar-coated that what we think seems good is really evil. As a Christian, I know that Jesus has already won the battle. He defeated death, the tomb was empty. He is our only Hope in a world of darkness. Jesus defeated the darkness of sin with His Light.

I don't know where you are at in your walk, but in my own walk, I've come to the conclusion that with the knowledge I've been given, I ought to use my critical thinking ability to guard my mind from evil things. This is so hard with a world so filled with grey areas, and I have to trust God to guide me through each decision. If we are in a relationship with God, He will guide us and make a way for us. He has given us the Holy Spirit to impress upon our hearts what is good and what is evil.

I mentioned above about a experience I had. I won't be sharing a lot of detail, but this experience has given me much deep thought and clarity on what kind of things I should be guarding my mind/heart from when it comes to dark supernatural themes. 
There was a situation that someone we knew was telling us about. This conversation took an unexpected turn towards the supernatural and lead to a few sleepless nights and a meeting with our pastor. I was disturbed and scared. And if these same feelings are what others experience while watching horror movies or going trick-or-treating, then I want nothing to do with it. The world expects us to react to the dark themes with fear. It's become normal and fun to scare people with skeletons, spiderweb decorations, and terrifying costumes. It becomes normal and popular to fangirl over worlds, kingdoms, creatures, etc. that are in the supernatural.

I believe that ghosts are not dead people who have come to life. Ghosts are satan's evil angels. Witches are evil. Ouija boards are evil. Anything dark/sinful of this world is of satan & not of God. So, if I knowingly watch something or go somewhere that is evil, I am putting myself on the enemy's ground. Satan will use so many things to get more and more people to follow him. He wants more power and tries every device to get us away from Jesus. Because he knows that if we are filled with the Light of Jesus, then he cannot harm us. Light overcomes darkness.

The God I serve is the complete opposite from the scary things mentioned above. He says, "Do not fear." (Isaiah 41:10 NKJV)  Jesus doesn't want me to be afraid. And this fact gives me assurance. He has already won the battle and by serving Him, I know that I am safe.

I don't know your story. I don't know if you love sci-fi or fantasy or darker themes. If you do, I pray this post has given you some food for thought. I am not judging your choice in entertainment. I'm just sharing what has been heavy on my heart lately.

Some questions we should all ask ourselves: Does the content we expose ourselves to reflect godly values? Does it give us peace and assurance that we are safe and secure through Jesus? 

I've made a personal decision based off of my biblical belief and biblical guidance that dark themes are not honoring to God. With the knowledge I have, I then have to look at the books I read and the movies I watch and the places I go. Because this is no joke. This is real with real consequences if we willingly take the sugar-coated bait from the enemy. 

I share this post because I think it's a message that is shied away from too often by young Christians. In a world where your peers and friends are all going crazy about the latest movies or novels, it's easy to wonder, "how bad can it really be?" But it's when we start splitting hairs or compromising our beliefs, that things can get tricky. When we feel this weight of a decision (because you *do* have a choice), we ought to take a step back and really consider light and dark, good and evil. 

To my younger readers, I encourage you to go to your parents, older siblings, mentor, whoever's opinion you trust, go to them and ask them their thoughts on this topic. If you are faced with a decision regarding what kind of entertainment you allow yourself to be around, ask yourself questions, do some research, and pray about those decisions! 

Do you have any questions about this topic? Comment below! 
What are your thoughts/opinions on this topic? 

Many Blessings, 
Brooklyne Elysse


  1. Thank you for sharing this, Brooklyne! You put into words what I've been trying to say for years! I definitely agree with you- I've always been super sensitive to scary books, movies, etc., and choose not to read books full of dark themes. I have ran across a few good fantasy books, (The Torch Keepers by Hosanna Emily, and Books of the Infinite by R. J. Larson, Narnia by C. S. Lewis- all three are more allegory than fantasy), however, good fantasy books are few and far between, which is why I'm not really a fan of the fantasy genre. Sci-fi, dark-themed books, extreme violence- no way. I totally agree that we need to be extremely careful about what we read, watch and listen to.
    Thank you so much for sharing, Brooklyne!! <3

    1. Thanks so much for your comment, Molly! There is definitely a lot of supernatural entertainment that we must sift through to find the right content. I was part of the cover reveal for The Torch Keepers, but I haven’t gotten the chance to read it yet. I own a couple medieval books that might be close to fantasy but those are still on my TBR pile.

      Thanks for reading my thoughts!
